GREYLAG GOOSE (Anser anser) – (See images below)
Feral geese in New Zealand are actually Greylag geese.
The English name ‘Goose’ would have different origins, such as Dutch and German ‘Gans’, Old Norse ‘Gas’, even Spanish ‘Ganso’. Then this would relate the name to Latin ‘anser’ for ‘goose’.
That species of goose is the ancestor of the domesticated goose. This is also the bird that Austrian scientist Konrad Lorenz used for his studies on ‘imprinting’. According to, the Greylag goose was the first bird introduced to New Zealand, not just for food but also to control weeds.

Feral Greylag geese & red-billed gull – Kaikoura, NZ, photo by Denise Motard, Feb. 2013
Greylag geese and Red-billed gull, NZ
Feral male and female Greylag geese on the shore – Kaikoura Peninsula, NZ - photo by Denise Motard, Feb. 2013
Greylag geese, Kaikoura, NZ
Feral Greylag goose – photographer getting too close for comfort – Kaikoura Peninsula, NZ, by Denise Motard, Feb. 2013
Greylag goose getting wary, NZ
Feral Greylag geese on a pond – Kaikoura Peninsula, NZ
Feral Greylag geese on a pond, NZ
Feral Greylag geese swimming on a pond – Kaikoura Peninsula, NZ
Feral Greylag geese, Kaikoura, NZ
Feral female Greylag geese on a peaceful piece of water – Kaikoura Peninsula, NZ, by Denise Motard, Mar. 2013
Feral Greylag geese in Kaikoura, NZ
Female feral Greylag goose looking warily at the photographer – Kaikoura Peninsula, NZ, by Denise Motard
Greylag goose looking warily behind
Feral Greylag geese foraging – Kaikoura Peninsula, NZ
Greylag geese foraging, Kaikoura, NZ