Below is a short list of bird species that can be seen in Spain. Please click on the links to access that bird’s page.

BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON – (Nycticorax nycticorax)
BLACK-HEADED GULL(Chroicocephalus ridibundus)
BLACK-WINGED STILT(Himantopus himantopus)
COLLARED PRATINCOLE(Glareola pratincola)
COMMON TERN(Sterna hirundo)
GLOSSY IBIS(Plegadis falcinellus)
GREATER FLAMINGO(Phoenicopterus roseus)
GREY HERON(Ardea cinerea
LONG-TAILED TIT(Aegithalos caudatus)
MONK PARAKEET – (Myiopsitta monachus
SQUACCO HERON(Ardeola ralloides)
WESTERN SWAMPHEN(Porphyrio porphyrio)
WHITE WAGTAIL(Motacilla alba)

Spanish Imperial Eagle, Spain National Bird  Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, June 2007
Spanish Imperial Eagle, Spain National Bird